Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Back Story:
We have been wanting to try something new in the fish breeding world and started breeding Discus.  We were fortune enough to get assistance from one of the members of the Greater Seattle Aquarium society -  Andree Hurley,  She was moving and need place for this wonderful Discus pair. So while we are baby sitting this pair.

 See the results below:

Discus fry Day 3

Discus Fry Day 8

Sunday, September 16, 2012


Yet another summer has almost come to an end.  New and innovative things to come for the fish room. Going to work on a water changing system this winter so that I can sit back and enjoy the fish's some more. So stay tuned and see the progress.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Over that last week I have had 3 pairs of Double dark angels pair up and lay eggs. More coming soon.

The PB Silver fry are about dime size and will soon be ready to sell.  Check back to the website for more information on there availability..


Friday, April 20, 2012

Philippe blue angel fish - Pair #3

Parent raising Philippe blue angel fish:

Taken 4/19/2012

Grow out rack

Grow out rack 

Latest addition to the fish room is a grow out system/Rack (2 bottom
tanks are 50 gallons and the top is a 30 gallon)

Rack was made out of 2x6's, I added CFG lights to the top of the bottom of the rack above. 
For the top lighting I made a DIY light fixture out of rain gutter and again CFL light blabs. 
I had to reseal all 3 tanks as I was told they leaked (I got them used). I used 2 different 
products to seel them and Tap acrylic cement (Weld-on 4) on all the edges then went back
with GE silicone. Wrapped the rack in plastic to keep the moisture in.

Whats next:

1. I plan to adding Wooden doors to the top of the 2 50 gallon tanks. Will look more attractive (and if it looks good do that to the other large rack as well).
2. DIY plywood show tank
3. I still have another wall to figure out. Muhaaaa haha

Fish room walk around

Fish room walk around

From concept to creation. You have followed the journey so now for your viewing pleasure
here is the fish room walk around video:

Hard to be-leave that we have only been in this house now for only 3 months..

Enjoy and Thanks for blogging


Fry grow out tank

Fry grow out tank

So after pondering this for some time now. Just went and got the stuff. The whole thing cost me under $20. I used materials that I had sitting around. 

Back ground; I wanted low flow of water to raise angels fry in. The sponge filters just weren't doing all I wanted them to do. Angel fry need alot of fresh water all the time.

I used 4 10 gallon tanks. Did a 1/2 inch PVC overflow out of each that tank (X4) it down to the sump. I used a 20 gallon tank for the sump. Placed the heaters (X2) sump and a power head in there. The power head pump water back in to the sump. In the sump I have a Javanese filter moss in side of the drip pan, bio balls, ceramics media, and sponge. 

Enlarge this image Click to see fullsize

For the return I have a 240 gallon per hour bump, connected to a 1/2 in return hose, 1/2 in PVC, run the lengths of all four tanks. I put a Y connector with a cap, drilled a 1/4" whole at the end of each cap.

It nothing to powerful that was the plan from the beginning. It keeps the flow of water for the fry just enough to circulate good water to them all the time.

Here it is in action: