Friday, April 20, 2012

Grow out rack

Grow out rack 

Latest addition to the fish room is a grow out system/Rack (2 bottom
tanks are 50 gallons and the top is a 30 gallon)

Rack was made out of 2x6's, I added CFG lights to the top of the bottom of the rack above. 
For the top lighting I made a DIY light fixture out of rain gutter and again CFL light blabs. 
I had to reseal all 3 tanks as I was told they leaked (I got them used). I used 2 different 
products to seel them and Tap acrylic cement (Weld-on 4) on all the edges then went back
with GE silicone. Wrapped the rack in plastic to keep the moisture in.

Whats next:

1. I plan to adding Wooden doors to the top of the 2 50 gallon tanks. Will look more attractive (and if it looks good do that to the other large rack as well).
2. DIY plywood show tank
3. I still have another wall to figure out. Muhaaaa haha

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