Friday, April 20, 2012

Fry grow out tank

Fry grow out tank

So after pondering this for some time now. Just went and got the stuff. The whole thing cost me under $20. I used materials that I had sitting around. 

Back ground; I wanted low flow of water to raise angels fry in. The sponge filters just weren't doing all I wanted them to do. Angel fry need alot of fresh water all the time.

I used 4 10 gallon tanks. Did a 1/2 inch PVC overflow out of each that tank (X4) it down to the sump. I used a 20 gallon tank for the sump. Placed the heaters (X2) sump and a power head in there. The power head pump water back in to the sump. In the sump I have a Javanese filter moss in side of the drip pan, bio balls, ceramics media, and sponge. 

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For the return I have a 240 gallon per hour bump, connected to a 1/2 in return hose, 1/2 in PVC, run the lengths of all four tanks. I put a Y connector with a cap, drilled a 1/4" whole at the end of each cap.

It nothing to powerful that was the plan from the beginning. It keeps the flow of water for the fry just enough to circulate good water to them all the time.

Here it is in action:

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